RIP Eurydice

This was first published 18/06/2018. Still nothing has changed. There’s still too much violence against women, violence against men and violence against children. You would think as a society that is supposed to be progressing that we would have minimised violence but it just hasn’t happened. But every day I hear stories of people hurting the people they say they care about.

This was about a woman who was killed and it touched my heart so I wrote this.

 If I were in Victoria I’d lay flowers in the place where you were found and I would think about when I heard the news.

I couldn’t believe it. No, not again I thought when I heard. You didn’t deserve to die like that. 

No one does and there’s so much anger, because once again women are told to be careful, to be situationally aware, take your phone and the list goes on.

 But that doesn’t seem to help curb these types of deaths. I mean why do they happen? Is it because males feel entitled or is it some power thing? 

It doesn’t matter, what matters is you died at the hands of someone, and that shouldn’t have happened.

But then I thought about an incident that happened several years ago, where I could’ve easily ended up like you, but mine was during daylight, and it made me wonder.

You were happy weren’t you, you had just finished doing something you love, you wanted to walk home. You’ve done it before why should that night have been any different. But it was.

I can see you walking home, minding your own business. I was too. Did you sense someone following you or sense being watched? I know I did and I had my phone handy.

You had your phone too, you sent a message saying you were nearly home. Then what happened?

 Did he finally show his face? Mine did, he started to make polite conversation. Did your assailant do that too? 

But it didn’t still the uneasiness in your stomach did it. Neither did mine. I quickly looked around to see if there was anyone in sight but there wasn’t, I bet you did too.

I went to use my phone only to have it knocked out of my hand. I wonder if you did too.

And I tried to run but he grabbed my arm with so much pressure, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.

Did you try to run only to find your arm or your hair grabbed and you knew you weren’t going to get away.

Did you find yourself looking into his eyes like I did mine and realise they were void. He wasn’t looking at you like a human, you were just an object, you were nothing at that moment.

But I was lucky. Someone came into my view and I yelled out ‘Danny’ and I said to him ‘that’s my brother.’

I had no idea of who the guy was but it did the trick. The guy let go off me as this stranger started to walk towards me, he swore at me and took off. 

I made it but unfortunately you didn’t and I’m so sorry there was no one to help you.

They call you a victim Eurydice but I don’t. I don’t see you as a victim I see you as an influencer of change.

 And change we must. We as a society must change. Will we ever stop this? – probably not but maybe we can lessen it.

We also have a really bad prob with domestic violence most of which happens against women.

The violence against women is ridiculous- it just shouldn’t be this bad.

     We as society need to change.

I changed my habits that day. I rarely go out at night. I’m hyper aware, park in well lit areas and do what I have to do and breathe a sigh of relief when I’m home and the doors and windows are locked. I shouldn’t have to live like that. 

That’s not how a we’ll functioning society should work. We should be able to get from point A to point B without wondering if we’re going to be attacked.

But how? I don’t have the answers but as a collective, as a society we need to start coming up with something.

I’ve listened to people who say that we live in age where you are told you can do what you want. 

Maybe we need to emphasise that whatever you do comes with responsibilities and consequences.

I’ve heard it said that the kids have no respect, they’re allowed to get away with anything and say whatever they like.

Maybe we need to teach them to respect others. Maybe we all need a reminder that every single one of us is a person, some are more flawed than others, and some have worse backgrounds than some, but we all need to accept one another as a human.

Maybe we need to stop making women as objects. Maybe it’s violence seen at home.

Maybe just maybe instead of more anger we should start talking about how we can achieve a better functioning society where we feel safe enough to walk around.

Maybe we should talk about the destructiveness of violence and not glorify it.

RIP Eurydice you are an influence of change because now is the time to draw the line in the sand and say enough – how do we create a safer society and start focusing on that.


Me waking up at 2 a.m. because I just have to get the draft of a short story written. Then at 7 a.m. looking at it going ‘What on earth, but it sounds okay.’

*Thump * the king lifted his staff up into the air and banged it down onto the ground for the third time. The echo of the staff echoed through the kingdom. Fairies of all denominations heard the call of the summons, and hurried to the entrance of the court, where King Argon was waiting to address them.

The king never summoned them unless it was urgent. The pixies, and fairies gathered in their groups, the leprechauns were gathered at the front, in front of the king’s throne. In their midst, stood Quimbien, his hands tied behind his back, his head bowed, as he waited.

‘Quimbien’ King Argon said, ‘look at me.’ Quimbien raised his head and looked at the king. The king continued ‘Your brethren have accused you of not behaving according to their customs, how do you say?’

‘They are jealous because I have most of the the fairies’ business.’

‘Is this true?’ the king asked the leprechauns.

‘I speak for all of us’ Moularn, one of the leprechauns stepped forward ‘when I say that Quimbien gives us all a bad name, he is not one of us, and as such we request that he be exiled to some other part of the kingdom.’

‘What is his crime?’ the king asked again. This has got to be something major for them to summon an audience before him. ‘I’ve heard nothing, but nice things about Quimbian.’

‘That is the problem, your majesty. He’s too nice.’

‘What?! But that is so small, it’s ridiculous.’ The king looked at his wife, and shook his head in disbelief.

‘Exactly’ the leprechaun continued ‘it’s so small; it’s major.’

‘Explain yourself. You have made an accusation that sounded so serious, that I summoned everybody here. You said that it would affect the entire kingdom, and now you say that it’s because he’s too nice.’

Several of the leprechauns shifted uncomfortably in their spot, as their appointed spokesman continued. ‘We don’t like each other, let alone other people. We like being by ourselves, so that alone, should show you how strongly we feel about this. Quimbien though likes to be friends with everyone, he likes to be helpful, and doesn’t like playing tricks on anyone, it gives us leprechauns a bad name. We have a reputation to uphold, and he’s destroying it.’

‘And you think that exiling him to the nether regions is the answer?’

‘Yes, your majesty’ the leprechauns bowed in unison before their spokesman continued ‘we feel that out of sight, out of mind. If he isn’t allowed contact, then our reputation will be honoured, and we can return to our normal lives.’

‘Quimbien, do you have anything to say?’

‘Your highness, is it so wrong to want to be different from what you know? Does being nice, and wanting to be around my fellow fairy folk, really constitute to being banished forever, never to be seen or heard from again, because of hearsay?’

‘I agree with you Quimbien, but your brethren have made a point, that they feel you are in essence dishonouring your heritage. I can’t allow discontentment to rise up into anything more sinister that may unsettle the order of things here.’ The king paused ‘I’m going to give you a choice, Quimbien. You can either be exiled into the nether regions forever, or for the next 10 days live in the mortal world.’

‘What?’ the leprechauns said ‘But he’ll be the same when he returns.’

‘Not necessarily’ the king said ‘Ten days is a long time, and if you choose to stay in the mortal world, you can start by watching your cousin.’

‘I will take the ten days, your highness’ Quimbien said reluctantly.

‘Very well’ the king snapped his fingers, and Quimbien was gone.

‘Ow’ Quimbien said as he landed on the floor bum first. He heard someone laughing, and looked in the direction of where it came. He groaned, as he stood up.

‘Hi, cus. I hear you have to learn some tricks of the trade from me.’

‘No, I just have to spend 10 days in this world before I go back.’

‘Well, you picked a great time, tomorrow is Halloween. Come, and check this out’ his cousin walked through the house, to a room at the far end. He looked through the door at the couple sitting on the bed. Quimbien stood next to him.

Emma looked at Johnny. ‘So who are you going as?’

‘A maniac who chases people with the chainsaw.’


‘I figure they can pay me to stop chasing them’ Johnny laughed.

Emma laughed ‘You, and your get rich schemes.’

Quimbien watched as his cousin rubbed the amulet he wore around his neck. His cousin laughed, and Emma screamed as the chainsaw started, and began to chase Johnny around the room. Quimbien rubbed his magic ring, and the chainsaw stopped.

‘Spoilsport’ his cousin said ‘you’re boring. I’m out of here, I can’t believe you did that.’ He disappeared before Quimbien’s eyes.

‘C’mon, Emma’ Johnny interrupted Quimbien’s thoughts ‘let’s go get the rest of our costumes’

Emma followed Johnny out of the room.

At least I have the place to myself Quimbien began to wander through the house, looking through the cupboards. He opened one of the cupboards that sat on the wall near the kitchen sink. All right, booze he pulled a couple of bottles out, and sat on the sink I’ll just have one little drink, maybe two.

‘Oh look’ Emma said quietly when they returned home. ‘Isn’t he cute’ she looked at Quimbien who was fast asleep, snoring on the kitchen sink, and surrounded by empty bottles.

‘He’s a leprechaun’ Johnny grabbed Quimbien. ‘Give me your gold’ he said as he shook Quimbien awake.

‘I’ll give you three wishes’ Quimbien offered and yawned.

‘I want to be filthy rich’ Johnny said, as Emma answered her phone.

‘Okay’ Quimbien touched his ring, and Johnny turned into a dirty hundred trillion dollar note.

‘Ugg, turn me back, turn me back.’

‘That will be your second wish’ Quimbien told him, as he changed back into a human.

‘That wasn’t fair’ Johnny complained, as he grabbed Quimbien so he couldn’t move.’

‘I did what you asked. You have one wish left.’

‘Before you have your wish’ Emma said as she hung up the phone ‘that was my father.’

‘What did he want?’ Johnny asked.

‘He’s cutting me off, I’m getting no more money. I told him that it didn’t matter’ she reached up to kiss Johnny, but he pulled away. She looked at him ‘It doesn’t matter, does it?’ but deep down she knew. ‘I’m such an idiot, I hope you get what you deserve’ she turned and left.

‘Right, you’ Johnny looked at Quimbien ‘enough of your tricks. I want gold, and a lot of it.’

Quimbien touched his ring, and on the table in front of johnny appeared six gold pocket watches, four gold necklaces, and twenty gold bars.

Johnny let go of Quimbien briefly as he looked at the table. ‘Where’s the rest, that’s not enough?’ but he found himself talking to thin air, as Quimbien had disappeared.

Quimbien found Emma having a coffee in the nearby cafe, as she contemplated her next move. ‘It will be all right’ he told her.

‘I’m sorry he was so horrible to you’ she said.

Quimbien smiled and told her to go to the pawn shop. She went to ask him a question, but he had disappeared. She swallowed her coffee, and went to the shop, at the same time as two police officers did.

As she entered, she could see Johnny at the counter trying to sell the gold. She laughed when she heard the man tell Johnny that the gold was stolen, and as he was being led away Johnny kept saying ‘But the leprechaun gave it to me.’

Have the best day that you can. Till next time.