I Want A Refund

Seriously. I have given 2020 a try, but I have come to the conclusion that 2020 just isn’t working so I want a refund, or hit fast forward so I can escape this year.

As though 2019 wasn’t bad enough with the bushfires, now we have Covid-19 and to be honest I’m Covid exhausted. I’m over it.

I understand that the government’s have to keep people safe, but to shut the world economy down, which is what has happened surprises me.

But it is people’s stupidity that have really caused me problems. Oh you know what I’m talking about … The panic buying … especially of toilet paper.

And I still don’t get the connection of toilet paper, and Covid. It’s not that end that’s affected, and although there’s plenty of food and supplies, the selfishness of people have stripped the shelves of food, and cleaning supplies, as well as good old dunny paper.

And people who normally wouldn’t hoard, felt they had to hoard, because the panic buying meant when they needed something it wasn’t available.

Plane travel grounded stranding people. Families and couples separated, and have to wait. Try getting an exemption to fly … Not happening. And even if you’re not planning on coming back, or won’t be back for several years … bad luck … No exemptions.

From my research though. The govt here in Australia cannot ban you from leaving, but they have – probably used some bio security law tho override.

And so we have to wait until the borders are open, and then we have to wait until travel is allowed again…just like other countries, although at least they are starting to open up.

So yeah I’m over this year. Roll on 2021, but I’m still hopeful everything will open up again before Christmas.

Wishful thinking maybe. But it would make my Christmas to be home for Christmas with my loved ones.

I’m back

I’m back. So, did anyone miss me? Where have I been?

Well I did an experiment. See all I’ve heard being bleated about is, how you have to have social media. You have to build a network of people, people who will follow you. So, I tried it out.

Here’s what I learnt. For me social media sucks. It takes a lot of energy to keep on top of it. You have to post several times a day, and you need to interact with other people.

But, and yes” there’s a but. It’s so toxic. Like if you disagree with someone … You will get a lot of hate. It’s like people are happy if you agree with them, but if you decide to have your own opinion, or if you disagree with them … Be prepared for the fireworks.

And you try to get followers. Some people will follow you just so that you follow them back, and then they will unfollow you.

Then there’s the content.

You put up something that’s thought provoking or serious, and get nothing, or you get 1 like, or more often than not, it will be misread or misinterpreted and people will get upset.

But, hen someone can stick up something totally stupid, and get hundreds of likes, and shares… Go figure.

But after giving it a go I realised why I don’t like social media…. Drum roll, please …. It’s because I’m a rebel.

See, to be a ‘success’ on social media, you have to follow the norm. You have to put in the hash tags, and work it, so that the algorithms work for you. I’ve never been the type of person that’s liked being told what to do.

So no more social media for me. I will stick to being me, and that means having my own opinions, even if that means sometimes I will run people up the wrong way.
