Covid Is That Unwanted Friend

I’m not into conspiracy theories although some of them are interesting. And I like a lot of people are totally over Covid.

Covid is a bit like that friend you just get sick off. You know… That person you know who just keeps turning up, and won’t leave, even when you give subtle hints that they should.

You don’t want to hurt their feelings, but they have overstayed their welcome, and sometimes you literally have to throw them out, and shut the door. And they still don’t get the hint.

Covid is that friend. I’m over the lockdown, the mask wearing, the social distancing, the not being able to travel, or see friends and family.

But I have become really good at reading graphs, and reading between the lines of the politicians updates every day.

And as I watch the protests from people who are also tired of the situation, I remember a day in September 2019.

Cast your mind back, and you will remember there was talk of people gathering to storm Area 51, to see the aliens, yeah … You remember that too.

And I remember the name and the catch phrase of that moment . ‘They can’t stop all of us.’

And I can remember laughing at that. And I remember how it wasn’t the big event that was talked about.

And then 2020 rolled around. And I watched as country after country after country went into lockdown because of this annoying person called Covid.

Month after month of businesses shut down, planes not flying, people not allowed out unless they had to. And when they did go out, they had to wear masks, hand sanitizer, and social distance.

People couldn’t, and still can’t get back to their countries, or to get back to their families. And the panic buying especially of toilet paper.

Yeah, I still don’t get how, how toilet paper was in such demand, when that’s not the part of the body that Covid attacked. But okay, whatever.

And now we’re in 2021 and it’s still hanging around. There are areas that are still locking down, masks are still in use, as is hands sanitizer, and social distancing, but countries are starting to open up.

But as I watch the protests happening for the lockdowns to finish. I remember that day in 2019 … ‘They can’t stop all of us.’

Whether Covid came about because it was man made or natural … It did pretty much stop all of us.